Socrates, Plato or Aristotle, the big three of philosophy, or Max Weber and Karl Marx, some of the most famous sociologists, or Aryabhatta, Kalidasa, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, and many others from India had one thing in common.
All these philosophers and literary giants are humanities products and if you closely examine it is the humanities stream that plays perhaps the most crucial role in redefining modern society.
Such is its influence that even science and commerce students study and practice humanities in one form or other. Whether it is policy making, research, digital media, advertising, and all major forms of communication, language skills and humanities are essential.
Humanities is a broad academic discipline that explores various aspects of society, culture, history, and all streams of livelihood. It encompasses subjects like literature, history, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, political science, languages, and psychology.
The study of Humanities provides insights into the human experience, focusing on the complexities of societies, cultures, and individual behaviours. In short, humanities are the spine of our very existence as it runs through everything and without it we are nothing.
Students by studying humanities develop critical thinking, communication, and analytical skills. They learn to examine issues from multiple perspectives, assess the validity of arguments, and engage in meaningful discussions.
Again, these skills are highly applicable to a wide range of professional fields, making humanities graduates versatile for job market. Educationists, academicians, researchers, etc. contribute to the intellectual growth of society as they have the knowledge of humanities.
Professionals like editors, writers, reporters, public relations and advertising executives, digital content creators, environmentalists, advocacy specialists, lawyers, judges, policy analysts, etc. have some form of background in humanities.
Even in a world where parents are obsessed with their kids becoming engineers or doctors, humanities has its own space, and some of the most successful individuals have had humanities degree.